Death Metal

Are you in need of brutal, violent, over the top death metal riffs that will split your skull in half?


I will supply you with frenzied tremolo riffs over top of hammering blast beats, crushing mid tempo riffs made for the mosh pit and the evilest of chord progressions to scratch that satanic itch. Not only will the riffs be obscenely heavy, they will be insanely catchy at the same time, ensuring you plenty of new fans that will be summoned to listen again and again, like a possessed follower in a riff worshipping cult.

I am a huge fan of the old school death metal greats such as:
– Death
– Obituary
– Entombed
– Dismember
– Monstrosity
– Morgoth


Do you have a killer song or a wicked batch of riffs already, but lack the production skills and playing to really flesh your creative idea into an absolute behemoth of a song? I will record your riffs in my style and tone, giving them the massive energy and pulverizing tone they deserve! I will use my riff abilities and songwriting skills to:

– Improve your song structure
– Accentuate the right notes in the right places to give your song maximum aggression
– Inject your song with powerful dynamics to transform it into a total beast of a tune


I do not use amp sims, I mic a real tube amp and boost it with various distortion + overdrive pedals just like the classics from the 90s.

My amp is a Peavey JSX 212 (A great sounding amp with EL34 tubes, it has that classic Marshall sound)

I have the following pedals that can be used to boost the amp to give it a unique, aggressive tone:

– Tubescreamer
– Fulltone OCD
– Boss DS-1 Distortion
– Boss HM-2 Heavy Metal (For Swedish Death Metal tone)
– Boss MT-2 Metal Zone (At The Gates – Slaughter Of The Soul tone)
– Digitech Death Metal (played through power amp section of amp, giving it that bass heavy old school death metal tone)


What are you waiting for? Contact me today and lets make some brutal death metal!